How do Agency59 and Gay Lea Foods Co-operative Limited run the Nordi-Cows online contest every year? With help from Oddly Studios. The campaign keeps fans engaged, and gathers new signups for mailing lists through an online Facebook game.

For 2016, we added a new pattern matching game to the contest.

user flow diagram UX

We provided ideas on user flow, advice for retaining users week after week, and suggestions contest rules.

Some cookies Development

Oddly Studios handles all web development for Nordi-Cows, from database design and Facebook API integration on the server to animating bobbing cow heads in the browser.

some sort of result Maintenance

Every year, we keep the contest running smoothly. We monitor servers with New Relic, monitor web browsers for errors with Sentry, and keep an eye on Google Analytics to make sure our design and engineering decisions are targeting the right users.

Between contests, we update the servers & code to make the next year run smoother than the last and keep our tools & frameworks current. In 2016, Nordi-Cows moved from Grunt to Webpack for frontend compilation tasks, and to CircleCI for continuous deployment.

some sort of result Results

Thousands of people milk their Nordi-Cows every day, and a lucky few win prizes.