Thousands of unique videos needed to be generated and uploaded to YouTube for BBDO Toronto's "Get Skittles Rich" campaign. Oddly's "Blop Video" cloud service software was the key to pulling this off.

The Scheme

Every person who participated received a unique version of Danny Falcon’s Get Skittles Rich video to share any way they liked – email, blogs, Facebook, or anywhere they thought could get them views. Each video had to be unique, otherwise YouTube would mark the videos as duplicates and remove them. Virtual Skittles were awarded for views and referring friends into the “triangular shaped sharing” scheme. Whoever had the most points at the end won a million Skittles!

Highscore board based on YouTube views & referrals Oddly's BlopVideo makes it possible

This video-sharing campaign utilized Blop's ability to dynamically generate unique videos, upload them to YouTube, and associate the video with an individual contest participant. Blop gave each contestant a unique video to share with their network on Youtube and anywhere a Youtube video can be linked to. By using BlopVideo this way, we could utilize Youtube’s robust analytics system for determining users’ scores.

The scheme is triangle shaped Results

At the end of the six week campaign, Blop had successfully automated the uploading of over 12,000 unique videos to the Skittles channel, resulting in hundreds of thousands of views.